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Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis; CEM-TP
제목 [국제] The 5th Global Crisisonomy Symposium
작성자 이론과실천 등록일시 2017-05-24 15:43:12
첨부파일 The_5th_Global_Crisisonomy_Symposium_Program.pdf
[국제] The 5th Global Crisisonomy Symposium
* 주제: Emerging Crisis and Innovative Ideas: Asian and Pacific Perspectives
* 일시: 2017. 4. 27-28.
* 장소: University of Texas, Dallas, Texas, USA
* 공동주최: Center for Geospatial Research in Global Health Policy, UT Dallas
National Crisis and Emergency Management Research Institute, Chungbuk National University
Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis (CEM-TP)
* 후원: Chungbuk National University, Safe Today, UTD Asia Center

※Proceedings of the 5th Global Crisisonomy Symposium 자료는 용량관계로 링크를 클릭해주세요.

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