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Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis; CEM-TP

Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis; CEM-TP,
which is a think tank that performs comprehensive research on crisis and emergency management.

Welcome to the website of crisis and emergency management Theory and practice. 
Hello everyone !!!

As the first think tank in the field of crisis and emergency management, disaster management, and safety in Korea, thank you for visiting the website of CEM-TP, a high-quality discourse for the academic development of crisis and emergency management and a trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary study. 

Thanks to your support and interest, CEM-TP is able to put a lot of effort into establishing the foundation for the academic development and systematization of Crisisonomy. Since its establishment in 2005, CEM-TP has contributed to the academic development of crisis & emergency management in Korea by hosting numerous domestic Crisisonomy & Disastronomy conferences. And CEM-TP held the International Conference on Crisis & Emergency Management (ICCEM), Global Crisisonomy Symposium, and Global Workshop in  Korea, China, Japan, USA, Portugal, Singapore, Nepal, and Thailand and so on. We have made efforts to create a safe community through various activities such as the crisis & emergency management academic cultural festival with civil society organizations. 

In addition to Crisisonomy and JSCM (Journal of Safety and Crisis Management), which are specialized journals for crisis and emergency management, Disastronomy, a specialized scientific journal  for disaster management, has been launched and published.

CEM-TP will always do its best in academic research to contribute to creating a safe and happy society for all. We plan to continuously publish Crisisonomy, JSCM, and Disastronomy, and to make a qualitative leap forward, while expanding the domestic and international base of Crisisonomy and Disastronomy research and cooperating with international research activities. At the same time, the activities of the Research Ethics Committee will be further strengthened.

Crisisonomy is an essential discipline for ensuring the safety, peace, and development of human societies and communities. To this end, we ask that you love and participate in CEM-TP, an intellectual space where scholars and experts can share discourse on safety, and a place for research exchange. 

In the meantime, CEM-TP is growing year after year with your love and participation. We sincerely thank the many scholars and experts for their support and affection.

Crisisonomy is a scientific discipline to find the laws and rules of crisis and emergency management. It aims to identify the causes of various crises such as traditional military crises, disaster crises, national core-based paralysis crises, life safety crises, and new crises that threaten the universal values of human society (human life, human dignity, and fundamental human rights).

Crisisonomy means ‘crisis management science’, a scientific study to find the laws and rules of crisis and emergency management. And Disastronomy is a ‘disaster management science’. They are the study of finding out the causes of each of these crises and disasters and finding ways to manage them.

We dream of living a beautiful and happy life in a safe society. CEM-TP is a place of communication to achieve academic development and systematization of Crisisonomy and Disastronomy to create a safe world.

Have a nice day.

Dr. Jae Eun Lee