eISSN : 2671-5732 / pISSN : 2234-2214
Why Does Socialization Matter? : Analyzing the Impact of Socialization and Risk Perception on Energy Saving Behavior
JSCM, Vol. 14 No. 12 12 (2024년12월)pp.1-12
An IAD Analysis on Population Policy Change in South Korea
JSCM, Vol. 14 No. 12 12 (2024년12월)pp.13-25
Redefining the Roles of Management Entities for Aging Multi-Family Housing in Korea
JSCM, Vol. 14 No. 12 12 (2024년12월)pp.27-35
The Effectiveness of Social Rehabilitation Programs for Cannabis Users in South Korea
JSCM, Vol. 14 No. 12 12 (2024년12월)pp.37-45
Suggestions for Post-graduation Employment Support for International Students : Focusing on Acquisition of E-7 Visas
JSCM, Vol. 14 No. 12 12 (2024년12월)pp.47-55