eISSN : 2466-1201 / pISSN : 2466-1198
A Study on the Decision-Making Process of Firefighters for Initial Response to Disaster Scenes
한국위기관리논집 [Crisisonomy], 제20권 8호 (2024년08월)pp.29-42
A Study on the Relationship between Career Development Support Awareness and Job Performance to Improve the Expertise of Army Officers - Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Career Commitment -
한국위기관리논집 [Crisisonomy], 제20권 8호 (2024년08월)pp.43-62
A Study on the Development of the Military Disaster Safety Management Capacity Building Program - Around Scenario-based Training-driven Models -
한국위기관리논집 [Crisisonomy], 제20권 8호 (2024년08월)pp.63-81
The Invisible Shaking of Earth to Eyes - A Study on Earthquake Response Measures That Move with Our Life -
한국위기관리논집 [Crisisonomy], 제20권 8호 (2024년08월)pp.83-101
Estimating the Volume of Sediment Transported by Debris Flows in Mountain Watersheds
한국위기관리논집 [Crisisonomy], 제20권 8호 (2024년08월)pp.103-116