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Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis; CEM-TP

eISSN : 2671-5732 / pISSN : 2234-2214

JSCM, (2024)

DOI : 10.14251/jscm.2024.4.1

- Comparison of Safety Perception among Worker Groups by Construction Work Type in Korea -

Sang-Pyeong Ahn

(Sangsung C&T Corporation, Sangil-ro 6-gil, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, Korea)

Jeong-Hun Won

(Department of Disaster Prevention Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University, 1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju, Korea)

Min-Jun Kim

(Department of Disaster Prevention Engineering, Chungbuk National University, 1 Chungdae-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju, Korea)

This study compared and analyzed the differences in workers' perceptions by work type for the safety roles and responsibilities of field managers and workers. The considered work types were earth work, RC work, temporary work, steel work, electrical work, mechanical work, landscaping work, dry finishing work, and wet finishing work. The questionnaire was composed of manager's safety compliance, manager's safety practice, worker's accident reporting, worker's noncompliance with safety rules, and worker's perception of safety. ANOVA analysis was performed on the response results. Results shows that the manager's safety compliance in the temporary work was found to be high, whereas the levels of manager's safety compliance were lower in earth work and RC work compared to other work types. For manager's safety practice, there was a significant difference in earth work being lower than that in electrical and mechanical work. When examining worker's perception of noncompliance with safety rules, temporary work, electrical work, landscaping work, and dry finishing work showed higher noncompliance compared to other work types.

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