eISSN : 2671-5732 / pISSN : 2234-2214
JSCM, (2024)
DOI : 10.14251/jscm.2024.6.39
- Social Media Management Strategies in Influencer Marketing : Lessons for Building Stakeholder Relations and Brand Crisis Management -
Based on the two-step flow model, this study examines how social media influencers manage brands through three aspects, including content strategies, engagement, and interactivity. A content analysis was conducted to compare content marketing strategies and levels of engagement and interactivity between popular and unpopular creators. The results show popular creators post more often, post more promotional content, interact less, but receive positive praise from their followers. Their followers are more engaged. The Instagram posts tend to imitate celebrity sites and often use professional photographers rather than photos from mobile devices. Less popular creators used Instagram in a more personal fashion, posting less often and taking pictures from their mobile devices of themselves. The content was less likely to have brand mentions, and/or hashtag use. Instead, the less popular creators engaged more with their followers to create a more powerful and personal relationship. The study provides insight into the effective online relationship building strategies with stakeholders and brand crisis management strategies using influencers on social media.